8 research outputs found

    Analisis Karakterisasi Komposit Hybrid pada Spatbor Depan Motor Matic

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    This study aims to determine the manufacturing characteristics of the fender on automatic motorbikes. The method used is a hand lay-up by combining three types of fibers used for the binding material, namely hemp fiber (natural), coconut coir fiber (natural), and glass fiber (synthesis) or hybrid composites. The hybrid composite test is done in the form of a tensile strength test and impact strength test. The matic hybrid fender product fabrication process uses the hand lay-up method with random variations in the first layer of glass fiber, woven hemp fiber as the second layer, and random coconut fiber as the last layer. The highest tensile test results for the two types of fiber arrays with the SR-SR-SK fiber arrangement of 47.67 MPa, while the lowest tensile strength value for the SR-SF-SK variation of the fiber array is 35.59 MPa. The highest impact test result was 0.0141 J/mm2 for the SR-SF-SK variation, and the lowest impact strength for the SF-SR-SK variation was 0.01226 J/mm2.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik pabrikasi spatbor (fender) pada motor matic. Metode yang digunakan adalah hand lay up dengan menggabungkan tiga jenis serat yang digunakan untuk bahan pengikat, yaitu serat rami (alami), serat sabut kelapa (alami), dan serat gelas (sintesis) atau komposit hybrid. Uji komposit hybrid dilakukan dalam bentuk uji kuat tarik dan uji kekuatan impak. Proses fabrikasi produk matic hybrid fender menggunakan metode hand lay up dengan variasi acak pada lapisan pertama serat kaca, serat anyaman rami sebagai lapisan kedua, dan serat sabut kelapa acak sebagai lapisan terakhir. Hasil uji tarik tertinggi pada kedua jenis larik serat dengan susunan serat SR-SR-SK sebesar 47,67 MPa, sedangkan nilai kekuatan tarik terendah untuk variasi SR-SF-SK dari larik serat adalah 35,59 MPa. Hasil uji impak tertinggi adalah 0,0141 J/mm2 untuk variasi SR-SF-SK, dan kekuatan impak terendah untuk variasi SF-SR-SK adalah 0,01226 J/mm2

    Pengelolaan Limbah Ternak Sapi Menjadi Pupuk Organik Komersial di Dusun Kalipucang, Bangunjiwo, Bantul, Yogyakarta

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    The effort to make cow dung has significant added value is the main purpose of this community service activity. The fact is still not much effort to increase the added value of cow dung such as making cow dung into organic fertilizer products with commercial value. Besides, this activity also aims to create a healthy community environment and provide an impact of economic improvement of local communities. Method of implementation of activity begins with observation and mapping area, socialization, implementation, analysis and evaluation, and improvement. The observations were conducted to review the Kalipucang Hamlet area as a whole, interviewing with all components of the community, such as village apparatus and villagers or viewing the field conditions directly as well as doing this mapping to clarify the situation and characteristics of Kalipucang Hamlet related to livestock and land, then socialized to the head of RT, Chairman of the RW, and the local village chief and community. Socialization also serves to explore more deeply about the problems experienced by the community and the solutions needed, so as to provide an output that is in accordance with the wishes and needs of the community. The location of the implementation of this program is in the cattle field of the group Andini Makmur, Kalipucang Hamlet, Bangunjiwo, Bantul, DIY. The series of activities of community service programs that will be carried out include several stages : organic fertilizer material delivery, construction of fertilizer production site, livestock collection, organic fertilizer practice, organic fertilizer monitoring, organic fertilizer cooperative system, launching and evaluation and mentoring. From this activity produced organic fertilizer and successfully established a cooperative that manages the process of making organic fertilizer, packing, until the commercialization. From this activity obtained significant added value in economic aspect as well as from the side of public health because no longer there is pollution from cow dung d neighborhood of residence. Keyword : Cow dung, organic fertilizer, community service, marketing

    Karakterisasi pengecoran connecting rod dengan penambahan unsur paduan titanium-boron (Ti-B)

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    Nowdays, motorcycles become a primary need for people, especially in Indonesia. This has resulted in the increasing number of motorcycle spare parts waste. The waste is in the form of motorcycle components such as wheels, tires, drums, canvas, gear, chains and pistons and many others. Until now, the community has not used this waste, especially the use of used pistons as raw material for casting connecting rods. Connecting rod itself is a motorcycle component made of aluminum. In this study, the authors wanted to analyze the physical and mechanical properties of the casting (imitation) connecting rods made from used pistons with the addition of Titanium Boron (Ti-B) elements. The characterization of the casting results was analyzed by observing the microstructure and Vickers hardness test. The results showed that the physical properties of the foundry material contained 81.6% aluminum and 13.09% silicon, while on microstructure observations with a magnification of 100x, the Al phase and Al-Si alloys were more dominant. In the Vickers hardness test, the hardness result was 79.59 VHN. This is due to the addition of Ti-B elements which can refine grains and reduce porosity in aluminum silicon (Al-Si) alloys for motorcycle connecting rod spare parts

    Manufaktur dan Analisa Kekuatan Tarik Komposit Hybrid Serat Glass/Carbon untuk Aplikasi Pembuatan Blade Turbin Savonius

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    Blade design and material selection for savonius turbines need to accurate to produce high power input. This research aims to make the most robust blade material by vacuum infusion manufactured. The hybrid laminate composite applied in the manufacture of Savonius turbine blades consists of woven carbon fiber with chopped strand mat glass fiber and woven glass fiber. The variations of fiber composition comprised of five layers, namely 5An (5 layers of woven glass fiber), 5Ac (5 layers of chopped strand mat glass fiber), 2C-3An (2 woven carbon fiber-3 woven glass), and 2C-3Ac (2 woven carbon fiber-3 chopped strand mat glass fiber). The results showed 2C-3An for the best variation of hybrid laminate composite with the tensile strength of 219 MPa, with the modulus of elasticity of 6.8 GPa and the smallest density was 1.21 g/cm3

    Using a Combination of PID Control and Kalman Filter to Design of IoT-based Telepresence Self-balancing Robots during COVID-19 Pandemic

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    COVID-19 is a very dangerous respiratory disease that can spread quickly through the air. Doctors, nurses, and medical personnel need protective clothing and are very careful in treating COVID-19 patients to avoid getting infected with the COVID-19 virus. Hence, a medical telepresence robot, which resembles a humanoid robot, is necessary to treat COVID-19 patients. The proposed self-balancing COVID-19 medical telepresence robot is a medical robot that handles COVID-19 patients, which resembles a stand-alone humanoid soccer robot with two wheels that can maneuver freely in hospital hallways. The proposed robot design has some control problems; it requires steady body positioning and is subjected to disturbance. A control method that functions to find the stability value such that the system response can reach the set-point is required to control the robot's stability and repel disturbances; this is known as disturbance rejection control. This study aimed to control the robot using a combination of Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) control and a Kalman filter. Mathematical equations were required to obtain a model of the robot's characteristics. The state-space model was derived from the self-balancing robot's mathematical equation. Since a PID control technique was used to keep the robot balanced, this state-space model was converted into a transfer function model. The second Ziegler-Nichols's rule oscillation method was used to tune the PID parameters. The values of the amplifier constants obtained were Kp=31.002, Ki=5.167, and Kd=125.992128. The robot was designed to be able to maintain its balance for more than one hour by using constant tuning, even when an external disturbance is applied to it. Doi: 10.28991/esj-2021-SP1-016 Full Text: PD

    Edukasi Energi Terbarukan Melalui Pemanfaatan Lampu Bertenaga Surya di Masjid Miftahul Huda Pranan Banjaroya Kalibawang

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    Minimnya wawasan tentang energi terbarukan di kalangan masyarakat menyebabkan ketergantungan terhadap sumber listrik dari PLN. Secara umum dampaknya adalah biaya operasional yang akan meningkat seiring bertambahnya beban listrik yang digunakan.  Kondisi perekonomian yang melemah pasca wabah Covid-19 mendorong perilaku positif penghematan biaya listrik dalam segala hal. Sisi negatifnya adalah menyebabkan hal penting seperti penerangan jalan mulai kurang diperhatikan. Permasalahan inilah yang dihadapi warga padukuhan Pranan kalurahan Banjaroya khususnya lingkungan Masjid Miftahul Huda. Aktifitas kegiatan keagamaan di malam hari oleh para orang tua termasuk lansia menuntut mereka untuk menghadapi kondisi lingkungan dan akses jalan yang minim fasilitas lampu penerangan. Oleh karena itu tujuan utama kegiatan ini adalah memberikan solusi dan edukasi untuk pemanfaatan energi terbarukan sebagai upaya efisiensi energi. Lampu penerangan bertenaga surya dipilih sebagai solusi karena sumber energi didapatkan gratis dari alam, tidak beresiko sengatan listrik, dan tidak perlu jaringan kabel sehingga mudah dan aman untuk lokasi sasaran. Edukasi diberikan melalui diskusi dengan tokoh masyarakat dan pengurus masjid mengenai lampu bertenaga surya. Hasil kegiatan ini adalah terpasanganya unit penerangan di lingkungan masjid dengan daya 200 Watt, sehingga kualitas penerangan sangat baik. Masyarakat secara inisiatif bersama-sama mengkondisikan lokasi dan mampu merakit pemasangan lampu tersebut. Untuk hasil optimal kedepan perlu diperhatikan agar lokasi pemasangan lampu bertenaga surya mendapatkan akses sinar matahari secara maksimal


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    Fenomena tahlilan model baru telah memberikan kontribusi yang positif terbadap kehidupan keagamaan bagi warga masyarakat Dukuh Ngaran khususnya dua golongan NU dan Muhammadiyah sehingga tercipta hubungan sosial yang dinamis tanpa harus bergesekan dengan nilai-nilai nomatif yang ada.Dari tahlilan model baru ini mempengaruhi pola pikir masyarakat Ngaran dari yang dulunya menempatkan tahlilan pada tempat yang sakral atau kaku kedalam tempat yang semesetinya yaitu sebagai sebuah gejala sosial-budaya keagamaan yang sifatnya fleksibel.Tahlilan model baru ini juga mempunyai dampak yang positif daci segi ekonomi yaitu warga Ngaran mulai merasionalkan tahlilan dengan tidak memaksakan diri jika tidak mempunyai kebutuban ekonomi yang cukup sehingga tahlilan ditempatkan pada hukum yang tidak wajib harus dilaksanakan. Pada tahlilan model baru inilah sebagai salah satu sarana dakwah kultural dalain mentransformasikan nilai-nilai agama kepada masyarakat luas dalam rangka pencerahan iman